I haven’t posted here nearly enough lately, and (more importantly) I want to be semi-productive without actually being productive this evening. So adding a post to my personal blog (rather than updating my Facebook status or tweeting) seemed like a good idea at the time…
I’m writing this post from a Google Cr-48, which appears to be limited-edition material nowadays, thanks to the introduction of “Chromebooks” at retail just over a month from now from Samsung and Acer. For the record, I was calling my machine a Chromebook before Google was, but I digress. Anyway, I may upgrade to a for-pay model…maybe…because the difference between an Atom N450 (in this machine) and an N570 (in the Samsung model) is significant. THen again, I like toting around an unbranded notebook with a removable battery and a completely matte black color scheme.
Sitting to my left is my Samsung Epic 4G, which I switched last week to the Android Creative SYndicate’s latest ROM, which runs significantly faster (albeit buggier) than Samsung/Sprint’s standard ROM. I still can’t get a day of battery life on a charge with that phone, but that’s probably because I use it too much…
Further to my left, through my apartment wall, is the Colorado School of Mines campus, where I am now halfway through a graduate degree in Engineering Technology Management. I took my last test of the semester online this morning, and attended presentations for some of my fellow Entrepreneurial Finance classmates in the afternoon. Most of the rest of the day was spent hanging out with friends in some form or other. NPretty much nonproductive but that’s okay; I’ll be working hard tomorrow.
So where does all this leave me? Sitting at a table given to my apartment by a friend who’s graduating tomorrow, if you’re going by days that start at 12:00am. Posting to a blog that I haven’t updated in awhile. Wondering what I’m going to use my newest Virtual Private Server purchase (from Encept) for, other than proving that I can set up nginx with PHP from a bare-metal Xen container. Not wanting to go to sleep quite yet because I had maybe 100mg of caffeine and 150g of sugar from high fructose corn syrup between 10:30 and 11:30. Pondering what exactly it means to be done with a bachelor’s degree, halfway done with a master’s and not really being decided on whether it’s best to shoehorn myself into the well-paid establishment of some corporate environment in the Denver area or to somehow make the next big thing on my own…