Okay, maybe I should be called out on eating too many candy bars and thus noticing this but just recently (VERY recently; less-used candy bars around my school campus still bear the older moniker) “King Size” has been replaced with “Large Size” on candy wrappers with no other difference in…um…anything. Wonder whether it was a political group or a feminist group (the latter I suppose…with a good bit of the former mixed in) that wanted to sue Hershey & Co. over this one.

Personally, “king size” has a nice ring to it that “large size” just can’t match. They should have made the candy bar size “XL Size” or “Extra Large” or something like that, something a little more catchy than “large size”. I mean, come on…

…which brings me to another thing…what are they gonna do about mattress sizes? Anything going to have to change there? I’m serious, folks…if that happened insanity and chaos would ensue…