
My Circle Gets Better

Well, Alltel has done it again. And I’ve finally tagged a post. Geez, I need to get back into that again.

Anyhow, Alltel has extended their My Circle (unlimited calls to\from a set amount of numbers). As of yesterday, you got 10 My Circle numbers with any plan of $60 or more. Now, you get My Circle with $50 plans as well (albeit with only 5 numbers). Grabbing a $100 plan? You get an amazing 20 numbers to call, unlimited-ly. So when you get a 2000-minute  plan, you no longer need a 2000-minute plan…at least if you’re calling to\from 10 people 650 minutes per month. Personally, I can’t imagine talking more than 1000 minutes a month, but from a chatterbox aunt I know it can be done. Hmm…if her Sprint contract doesn’t work out I may have some bill analysis to do. My Circle might just be the thing for heavy talkers, who are talking to a select number of people. You know, the girlfriend who has girlfriends on various cell providers and a boyfriend who’s smart enough to just get an unlimited provider for much less money. Just throwing ideas out there…

…and back to non-tech, or not. Sorry to those of y’all who thought I’d put something non-techie up here. Now to finish up listening to This Week in Media…then to read my Chemistry text.